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DiaBeatThe All Herbal, Diabetic Support Supplement
Now a new approach to assisting those afflicted with Diabetes, with an effective supplement based on Chinese Traditional Medicine.
DiaBeat is supportive of Yin & Yang, the key balance in TCM to allow the body to heal! Ethical Western medicines, rely on the approach of only controlling blood sugar levels.
DiaBeat does the opposite, it allows the body to control blood sugar levels itself, by equalising the Yin & Yang balance in the body.
This method has been used sucessfully in TCM in China for thousands of years!
>Yin & Yang with Human Beings
>Diabetes in TCM
>Diabetes in Western Medicine

Clinical testing has established scientific proof that the key herbal components in DiaBeat can substantially increase blood microcirculation in the bodies extremities! By increasing Microcirculation with a naturally based formula many complications associated with poor circulation in Diabetics can be reduced. By improving microcirculation, Extremity Infection risk is lowered!

>DiaBeat Clinical Testing
Taichi Yin Yang
Improve Microcirculation
Check List of DiaBeat

 Aids in Gangrene Diabetic recovery
 Minimises complications of Diabetes
 Adjust blood sugar to acceptable level
 Allows free eating in terms of diet
  Improving microcirculation effectively
 Relieves Insomnia
 A 100% natural herbal product
 No known side effects
 20 years of formula research
  5 years of clinical application
 USA FDA Approved

Check List
Herbal Formula of DiaBeat

DiaBeat was formulated using Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques. All herbs in this formula are grown specifically by the manufacturer near Mount Tai in China. Mount Tai is known for it’s purity of air and lush soils that produce the finest herbs!

DiaBeat contains 9 Active Herbal Supplements known to assist microcirculation. The antioxidant effect can also assist those people with evidence of complications associated to Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases.

>Learn More
DiaBeat out Performs the Rest

9 original Mount Tai Natural herbs, 20 years of research, 5 years of clinical application, sets DiaBeat firmly apart from the rest for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases.

Free eating in terms of diet requested during DiaBeat treatment period and DiaBeat is a well tolerated product and offers comfortable usage for most users.

DiaBeat has complete service system, including TCM Hospital Online for individual treatment plan by TCM and DiaBeat BBS where customers can submit questions to get online help during taking DiaBeat!

DiaBeat Package


There is no know medical cure for Diabetes in western medicine, it is only treatable.
Diabeat as such is also not a cure for Diabetes. It is a supplement, that has shown effectiveness in alleviating some of the symptoms associated with Diabetes.
See more information on our F.A.Q. page and also see users testimonials Here.
Learn more about Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM in our Information section Here.
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Warts are actually benign tumors of the epidermis caused by a virus. The virus responsible is the human papillomavirus (HPV), a double-stranded DNA virus. The virus resides in the bottom layer of the epidermis and replicates into almost normal-looking skin. Different sub-types of HPV cause different types of warts. Some human papillomavirus subtypes also cause cervical cancer and other more obscure types of wart-related cancers.
The Wart Root Myth
Contrary to popular belief, warts do not have "roots". They only grow in the top layer of skin, the epidermis. When they grow down, they displace the second layer of skin, the dermis. They do not grow into the dermis. The underside of a wart is actually smooth.
The Appearance of Warts
Warts normally grow out of the skin in cylindrical columns. These columns do not fuse when the wart grows on thin skin such as the face. On thicker skin, the columns fuse and are packed tightly together giving the surface the typical mosaic pattern. Black dots can sometimes be seen in a wart. These are actually blood vessels that have grown rapidly and irregularly into the wart and have thombosed or clotted off.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Three Best Fruits For Diabetics

The number of diabetics is growing, sending off an alarm to health experts everywhere. The fact that it has now become a global concern is disturbing. Lifestyle changes are among the factors being linked to the rise in diabetes cases. It does make sense - adapting a modern lifestyle means you are always on the go and that sort of forces you into making unhealthy food choices. Why cook your own food when you can buy one at the fast food restaurant without any trouble at all, right? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals come packed in boxes already, and all that's needed to do is to dig in your fork. The thing is, these foods, while convenient, are not healthy as they are high in preservatives, flavor enhancers, fat, carbohydrate, and sodium, and all these either increase the levels of sugar in the blood or result to certain diabetic complications.
Diabetics are always advised to be very particular of their food choices. One needs to understand that while fruits are generally good, not all of them are recommended for diabetics. For one thing, some fruits have higher sugar content than the others, and as you know, sugar is a recognized culprit in blood sugar levels. Apparently, you have to choose fruits that are rich in fiber but low in sugar content. The three best fruits for diabetics are grapefruit, jambul, and gooseberry.
Grapefruit is one of the most nutritious fruits out there, containing lots of vitamins and minerals. It belongs to the citrus family which makes it a great defense against colds, flu, and certain types of cancer. Not only that, grapefruit also reduces excess sugar in the blood, thus, eating three grapefruits every meal can help keep diabetes in check.
Jambul is highly revered because of its benefits on the pancreas, making it one of the best fruits for diabetics. It prevents the conversion of starch into sugar, thus helping in the regulation of sugar in the blood.
Gooseberry, meanwhile, is rich in Vitamin C, but apart from that it is known to help in reducing blood sugar levels as well. When you have all these fruits in your pantry, there's a good chance that you'll be able to control your diabetes, and you know for sure that controlling diabetes is very important. Uncontrolled diabetes can result to diabetic complications involving the various organs of your body, including the heart, the liver, and the kidneys.
Controlling blood sugar levels is an art. If you want to be an expert in it, you should know the full details in Diabetic Foods to Eat ANDDiabetes Foods to Avoid.
Murali is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article should be complete and active.